Philadelphia, Pennsylvania



The new birth is compared in the Bible to growth from a seed.
The Human heart is the soil, "the seed is the word of God" (Luke 8:11; compare 1 Peter 1:23; James 1:18; and 1 Corithinan 4:15). Every preacher or teacher of the Word is a sower, but the Spirit of God is the One who quickens the seed that is thus sown.

Wanted Sowers
The divine nature then springs up as the result. There is abundant soil everywhere in which to sow the seed in the human hearts that are around about us. There is abundant seed in Philadelhia to be sown; any of us can find it in the granary of God's Word.

There are many sowers today everywhere including here in Philadelphia, but unless as we sow the seed, the Spriti of God quickens it and the heart of the hearer closes around it by faith, there will be no harvest. Every sower needs to see to it that he realizes his dependence upon the Holy Spirit to quicken the seed he sows, and he needs to see to it also that he is in such relation to God that the Holy Spirit may work through him and quicken the seed he sows. For the past three years Adolfo has been meeting the spiritual and physical needs of Central/South America immigrants in the Philadelphia & surronding area. "We are all debtor of sharing the message of Salvation with every human being regardless of nationality or economic level. The harvest is plenty but the laborers are few"
To become a part of this ministry, please contact the above site.
Philadelphia Christian Center
Attention: Adolfo Strok
2990 Street Road
Bensalem, PA 19120
Tel. (215)639-7000
Fax. (215)638-4811
email: Bensalem Ministries